Saturday, July 31, 2010

Elizabeth Lemmon " A Window Closed"

I just got home from a book signing at The Casey County Public Library with my signed copy.
Get your own copy : )

available here
and here

Elizabeth's blog here


love the history on this quilt

however I don't love the colors but a girl has to use what she  has sometimes...
maybe I can stop by Quilt King after the library today : )

Friday, July 30, 2010

what to do next Quilt Club and anyone wanting to Quilt a long!

this is some of my fabric choices for the project

see previous post for picture and supplies

cut (in order listed)
from each fat quarter of assorted animal prints
1 rectangle 5 1/2" x 7 1/2"
1 rectangle 5 1/2" x 7"
2 rectangles 5 1/2" x 6"
2 rectangles 5" x 5 1/2
1 rectangle 4" x 5 1/2"

Black solid
7strips 2 1/2" x width of fabric (WOF) for binding
2 strips 2 1/2 x 64", pieced from 4 WOF strips
2 strips 2 1/2" x 48", pieced from 3 WOF strips
10 strips 1" x40 1/2
66 strips 1" x 5 1/2"

Black/tan zebra print
2 strips 4 3/4" x 68", pieced from 4 WOF strips
2 strips 4 3/4 x 58", pieced from 4 WOF strips

I will see some of you next Thursday night to begin : )

Local Quilt Club August project

August Quilt Club project- A Stitching Safari. (sorry for the blurry picture)

shop for or find in your stash- 11 fat quarters (18"x 22") of assorted animal prints,

1 3/4 yards of solid black (sashing, inner border and binding),
black & tan zebra print (outer border),
3 5/8 yard backing (piece width-wise),
 twin size batting. based on 40 1/2" usuable width.
finished quilt size 53" x 73".

Kings Department Stores has some animal prints for great deals!

For those who want to join in the project you are free to choose a different print (flowers, stripes, dots etc.) and use the same instructions for a fun sew along.

this pattern was found in Quick Quilts Aug/Sept 2010 issue (into africa it's a stitching safari)

Thursday, July 29, 2010


I took this picture yesterday on the way to Perryville from Danville (Hwy 150? I think)
and this one on the road to Perryville Battlefield.

I missed another one on the same road but plan to go back soon.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010


This is for my neighbors first grandchild I have yet to meet.
She is 2 1/2  months old.

Monday, July 26, 2010

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Quilt Club July Coin Baby Quilt

Here is Sandi's!
Mine isn't finished just yet. I never want to finish first. : )
Pictures Thursday night everyone.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

More on FQ's

A couple of posts back I shared Fat Quarter measurements and many cuts you could do with one.
Here is a visual of a fat quarter and a 1/4 yard cut that Amy shared today.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

One Flower Wednesday

This week I did a sports I spy and hopefully the stripes look like a ref's shirt??? also a watermelon one and a mini too! I have a road trip tomorrow so I will get to make more on the way maybe.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Handy Measurements

How many squares can be cut from a fat quarter? (18"x22")

99- 2" squares           16- 4 1/2" squares
56- 2 1/2" squares     12- 5" squares
42- 3" squares           12- 5 1/2" squares
30- 3 1/2" squares       9- 6" squares
20- 4" squares              6- 6 1/2" squares

How cool is that printed on a business card?
courtesy of

Attention Local quilters...

Quilt Block Contest

Contest Rules:

Block must be 12 1/2 x 12  1/2 inch square block. (will be 12 inch finished block when set into the quilt)

Should represent theme:  "All Things Kentucky"

Color theme: Blue and White

Deadline to enter: Wednesday October 1, 2010

Send entries to: Quilt Block Contest
                            Casey Co. Ext. Office
                            1517 S. Wallace Wilkinson Blvd.
                            Liberty KY 42539

Info card must accompany block: name, address, phone, name of block, and describe what your block
represents and what it means to you.

Contact info: 606 787-7384

Block will be used to assemble a "County Fair" quilt and will be on display with recognition given to those who donated blocks for this project contest. Special recognition will be given to contest winners. Blocks will be disqualified if they do not meet contest rules.

Prizes: 1st place-$50 and Ribbon, 2nd place - $25 and Ribbon, 3rd place- $10 and Ribbon.

Contest Sponsored By:                                                            
Casey Co. Fair                                                                         
Floral Hall Committee

Prizes Sponsored By:
King's Department Store

Monday, July 19, 2010

Barn Quilt

My hubby would only slow down for this picture : P and not pull in driveways.
This barn quilt is located on Ky Hwy 70 in Taylor County Kentucky.
(near mile marker 3 headed back into Casey County)

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Name that quilt...

Can anyone tell me what pattern this is? I think I know but would like it confirmed by other quilters.
This Barn Quilt is located on Hwy 210 in Taylor County, Kentucky.(between mile markers 10 and 11)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Uniquely Yours Quilt Shop

I was out "junking" today but managed to drop off the hubby and sneak away to a great little quilt shop : )
It was Uniquely Yours Quilt Shop in Elizabethtown Kentucky.
(over 4,000 bolts of cotton fabrics)
I found vegetable fabrics for my jar quilt.
 This Garage Quilt was hanging out back of the shop.
2010 Heart of Kentucky Quilt Show 
Friday September 24-25 at Pritchard Community Center.
The shop hop should be fun  in October

Friday, July 16, 2010

Something new from something recycled

I had my hubby to drill a hole in the end of a thimble and used a broken meauring tape to make this great little bookmark.
Just tie a knot in the end of the tape after running the end thru  the hole in the thimble.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Debbie from Michigan

Checkout Debbie's blog...

Micki in Ireland

Check out Micki in Ireland...

One Flower Wednesday

less than 2 inches (my first mini hex)
I didn't get to work on the I Spy this week -yet but I made this for my Quilt Barn BOM July block.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Barn Quilt

I saw this while out yesterday in the adjoining county.
Kentucky Highway 70 in Taylor County
Hexi's are my favorite's after stars : )

Monday, July 12, 2010

New FREE Online Quilt Magazine

check it out now while FREE!
I had a little road trip yesterday to Barnes and Noble.
I found this little handy book with a couple of helps I needed.
One was paper piecing techniques and the other prairie points edging.
I'm a happy girl!

I also picked up this for a steal with a coupon over at Joann Fabrics.
I am getting a little more mobile for Quilt Club classes.

This is what I need next trip : )

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Free motion quilting tutorials

Check out Leah Day for 365 days of free motion quilting tutorials.

We CAN do this! I read  where free motion quilting is like learning to write your letters when you first started school. It took awhile to learn to write you name right? But once you could- YOU COULD! A little practice sheet or a little practice square like in these tutorials will help you do a small project and then larger ones. Try it I am!

Quilt Club at 6pm

see you there locals.
here's a sneak peek of the beginnings of my coin quilt.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Dew ??

Cat, "dew"  you think this looks like Dew? (to the right)
I put him there for you. He will only be here for a couple of days visiting.

One Flower Wednesday

The kiddos performed in a Treasure Island drama a few weeks ago. I found this cute fabric to fussy cut into hexi's. What a fun way to remember their performance.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

finished project!

this is not a great picture but it is a finished eyeglass case and works for cell phone too.


I counted projects started yesterday and came up with the total of 19 : / Is that bad?
They are not all the same as on WIM list so I guess it is even higher.  My heads aches
with all the ideas but there isn't enough time to do them. : ) Sommmmmmmmeday I will!

Monday, July 5, 2010

new project!

I must touch fabric everyday!
Today I am starting a baby coin quilt for this weeks quilt club class.
I may have to go on a fabric run in town at King's to add a little something... : )
and maybe have lunch at the Hitching Post...well you know...maybe...
pictures coming later....
later....I did get a start on the coin quilt and had a great time cutting and sewing.
I went to a friends house and we sewed for hours. She got a new "cool" machine
for her birthday last week and we had to try out everything it offered.  : )
We see an applique project starting soon.
Bad news was King's was closed : ( and I never got lunch.
Good news was we didn't need a thing and used up some of our stash and will get
to buy more another day-soon. : )
I didn't get to pictures yet. I was too busy.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

Happy 4th of July!!!!!!!

How would you like to have a neighbor like this?
Pesonally, I would welcome the everyday rememberance of the flag.

check out Pat's blog where I saw her post on the house.

Saturday, July 3, 2010

So sew...

This makes me want to go outside and "sew".

A recent study has indicated that fabric gives off certain Pheromones, that actually hypnotize women and cause them to purchase ungodly amounts. -source unknown

Friday, July 2, 2010

Finished just in time...

I put my last hand stitchez in the binding a little while ago just in
time for a July picnic.  Yeah!!!!!!!!!

One flower Wednesday

I have been forgetting to sign in each week. So much to do and so little time. : )
I went on a little vaca and missed posting Wednesday so I am trying to catch up.
This is what I have so far into my I spy hexi's.
I love everyone's choices. All flowers are beautiful!